Design Lessons for Independent Transfer

Applicable for PreK-12 Teachers, all content areas

Are you familiar with the ACT model for conceptual transfer but are wondering exactly what this could look like in the classroom -- especially in relation to content, skills, and dispositions? This course is for you!

We will travel from the feeling that there is "too much to cover, too little time" to students independently transferring their learning to brand new situations.  This micro-course contains 5 short video lessons plus planning tools, instructional calendar templates, and daily lesson templates. 

Transform your practice in under one hour! 

Note: If you are new to the ACT model, please take one of our other micro-courses first: Either Conceptual Transfer in Elementary or select one of the Conceptual Transfer disciplines (math, arts, etc.) that most applies to you. 

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Letter

    2. Course Orientation

    1. Transfer is the Goal

    2. Application Time

    1. Culture of Pattern Seeking

    2. Application Time

    1. Instructional Calendars

    2. Application Time

    1. Lesson Example

    2. Application Time

    3. Closing Lesson

    4. Course Feedback

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 12 lessons

Success Criteria

  • Put students in the driver's seat of learning.

  • Design daily lessons that build a culture of pattern seeking.

  • Plan and sequence lessons that foster independent, conceptual transfer.

  • Seamlessly weave concepts, content, skills, and dispositions into lesson plans.

Bestselling Author Julie Stern

This course is based on the work of four-time, bestselling author, Julie Stern. She has two decades experience facilitating adult learning, and feels lucky to partner with educators to take their practice to the next level. She is passionate about synthesizing the best of education research into practical tools that support educators in breaking free of the industrial model of schooling and moving toward teaching and learning that promotes sustainability, equity, and well-being.

Create Pattern Seekers

Empower your students to transfer their learning to new situations.

*Price is per person. Access includes one year from purchase date. Discounts for 10 or more from the same school. Email [email protected] with questions.

Did you know we work with schools worldwide in our multi-year Partner School Program? See more details here, or email us directly to set up a call about whole school transformation.